DRAGONS - Red eyes/Female Green eyes/Male
White - Oldest, strongest/ Celtic
Green - Earth, ancient Wisdom / Medieval
Black - Jokester, teacher, recluse / Norse
Red - Fire, guardian / Norse
Pink - Love / Celtic
Cream - Magic / Celtic
Pearl - Warrior / Medieval
Aqua - Queen of the Water Dragons / Norse
Blue - Water / Norse
Deep Blue - King of the Water Dragons / Norse
Amethyst - Pure energy, magic / Celtic
Gold - sun / Celtic
Silver - Lightning / Celtic
Orange - Ice, magic / medieval
Brown - Warrior King / medieval
Grey - herbal medicine, guardian / Celtic
Jade and Gold - Magic / Chinese
Jade - Power of creation / Chinese
Lime green - gemstone, magic / medieval
Amber - protector of the forest / Celtic
Green and Red (trim) - Earth, Fire breather / Medieval
CENTAUR: Mystical masculine power
DRAGONS and Fae.... see below
GRIFFIN (half-lion/half-eagle): Connection between heaven and earth.
PEGASUS: Spiritual inspiration, grace, holiness
PHOENIX: Transformation, rebirth, new beginnings, look below in the fire and ashes to find the egg, the birth of the Universe.
SATYR (half-man/half-goat): Nature spirit, music, dancing, joy
SPHINX (half-human/half-lion): Initiation, Dark Mother
UNICORN: Love, gentleness, strength, purity Helper of the Dragon. Often an initiate to the Dragon.